Is It Normal for A Dog to Growl When Playing Tug of War?

Many dog owners enjoy playing tug of war with their canine companions. It’s a great way to engage in physical activity and strengthen the bond with your pet. However, one common concern is when dogs growl during the game.

Is this normal behavior, or should it be a cause for worry? This article will delve into the reasons behind this behavior and what it signifies.

Understanding Play Growling

Firstly, it’s important to distinguish between ‘play growling’ and ‘aggressive growling.’ When dogs play, they often use a variety of sounds, including growls. Play growling is typically a normal part of engaging in games like tug of war. It’s not necessarily a sign of aggression or anger. Instead, it can be seen as part of the dog’s enjoyment and excitement.

Characteristics of Play Growling

Play growling during tug of war can usually be identified by its sound and the context in which it occurs:

Sound: Play growls often sound less intense and more broken up compared to aggressive growls.

Body Language: Look for relaxed or playful body language, like a wagging tail, a relaxed posture, and an overall enthusiastic demeanor.

Context: If the growling occurs only during play and not in other situations, it’s likely just part of the game.

When Play Growling Is Okay

Play growling is generally acceptable under the following conditions:

The Dog Remains Playful: As long as the dog is displaying playful body language and seems to be enjoying the game.

The Dog Obeys Commands: The dog should still respond to commands like ‘drop it’ or ‘leave it.’ This shows they are still in a responsive and controlled state of mind.

No Signs of Aggression: There should be no aggressive behaviors like snapping, lunging, or showing teeth in a threatening manner.

Teaching Proper Tug of War Etiquette

While play growling is normal, it’s essential to teach your dog the right way to play tug of war:

Use a Command to Start: Teach your dog a specific command to initiate the game. This helps them understand that tug of war is a controlled activity with rules.

Introduce ‘Drop It’ Command: Your dog should know how to release the toy on command. This ensures you can stop the game anytime if needed.

Keep it Fun: The game should be fun and not too intense. If it gets too rough, it’s time to stop.

Reward Good Behavior: Praise your dog when they follow the rules and play nicely.

Recognizing Signs of Aggression

It’s crucial to recognize the difference between play growling and aggressive behavior. Aggressive growling during tug of war might indicate a problem, especially if accompanied by:

Stiff Body Posture: If the dog’s body becomes rigid, it might signal aggression.

Intense Staring: A hard, fixed stare can be a sign of a challenge or aggression.

Exposing Teeth: If the dog shows their teeth in a threatening manner, it’s time to stop the game.

Snapping or Biting: If the dog attempts to snap or bite you (not just the toy), this is a clear sign of aggression.

When to Seek Help

If your dog consistently shows signs of aggression during tug of war or other activities, it’s wise to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can guide managing and modifying your dog’s behavior.


In conclusion, growling during a game of tug of war is often a normal part of play for many dogs. It can be a sign of enjoyment and excitement rather than aggression. However, it’s important to monitor your dog’s body language and ensure that the play remains controlled and fun.

By teaching your dog proper play etiquette and recognizing the signs of aggression, you can enjoy a healthy and enjoyable playtime experience with your furry friend.



Bing is a lifestyle aficionado who loves to share his knowledge with the world. He has worked in a variety of industries, including fashion, food, and travel. Vernon's easygoing nature and passion for helping others makes him the perfect host for any event or discussion. When he's not sharing his wealth of knowledge, Vernon can be found spending time with family and friends or exploring new places.

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